What I feel about Palestine

Zainab Nururrohmah
2 min readDec 14, 2023

I’ve written regarding my feelings about Palestine twice (this is the third time) on this platform, but I couldn’t finish it. My heart is painful so much that I don’t know how to end my words. Yesterday I messaged Luna, one of my close juniors when I studied Architecture in college, she is in the US right now. I said, I’m so afraid. The first month after 7th October, I felt so sad, I cried a lot and thought “There couldn’t be any worse than this”. Then the second month came, and I felt so mad and sick about all of it, that I said, “This is worse than the first month, there couldn’t be any worse than this”. And here we are, on the day of 69 and things get so much worse every day than ever.

Sometimes I couldn’t comprehend my words into du’a, I just cried. It’s hurtful, depressing, devastating, and helpless. I just prayed “Forgive us ya Allah, for being so weak… for being helpless and couldn’t do anything to stop this.”

How much more they must endure? For how long more Palestinians suffering so much? When is enough is enough?

I’m so afraid for the world I live in right now, where so many unimaginable and unforgivable miserable failures happened for decades, not only in Palestine but around the world. The world seems so fine, even many world leaders still support the atrocities, and people still debating whether or not it must be stopped.

We know that the Palestinian faith has touched our souls and our hearts, they roused massive people movements around the world, and our perspective can’t be the same after this.

It all happened for a reason, and we know for sure it happened with Allah’s permission. Only for Allah, we hope. Palestine will be free, and that is Allah’s promise for us, with or without our support, even when it seems like a ‘castle in the air’, our faith must be much stronger than our eyes can see.

“Never lose your hope, never stop to talk and support Palestine, even if you stand alone and nobody cares,” said me to myself.

