Mata Kondo Na, Arigatou

Zainab Nururrohmah
4 min readJan 25, 2024

“I’ll see you soon, thank you”

It’s one of the most important phrases in the Naruto series, which shows affection to their loved ones. It was only used by Itachi, Sasuke, and Sakura. Itachi Uchiha initially used it to the little Sasuke Uchiha, as an apology every time he couldn’t fulfill his promises, Yuruse, Sasuke. Mata kondo da.” which means “I’m sorry Sasuke, maybe next time.” while poking Sasuke’s forehead. At first, Sasuke just nagged over it, but then he used to it and it made him blush. That affection ‘love language’ of his aniki was Sasuke’s favorite, and that’s also the last gesture from Itachi to Sasuke before his death.

As time goes by, Sasuke then uses the phrase as an apology to Sakura — his future wife — when Sakura asks him to allow her to join over for his atonement journey. Sasuke then refused as he said his atonement had nothing to do with her, but when he looked at her desperate expression, he then poked Sakura’s forehead like his aniki gesture and said “Mata kondo na. Arigatou.” which means, “I’ll see you soon. Thank you.” It was his promise to her that he would invite her on the next journey, which eventually happened before their marriage. He wanted to assure her that she was now part of his life and he would take her after he finished his own matter, so she didn’t need to be worried. Takeuchi (Naruto’s seiyuu) states that it’s definitely also an offer of marriage from him.

There are different phrases used by Itachi “Mata kondo da and Sasuke “Mata kondo na to promise to their loved ones. While Itachi wasn’t sure when he said this to Sasuke, Sasuke assured Sakura that this was a promise that he would fulfill, he made it as a promise to himself as well.

Sasuke then brought himself to ask forgiveness from someone whom he needed to apologize the most: Sakura. He apologized and she forgave him. She was kind and loving as ever. In parting days, Sakura even went as far as asking to join his journey. He refused her. She was not part of his sins, so she could not join him.

She didn’t seem to understand as she looked so depressed. It might be because of it, Sasuke wanted to make everything clear with her by saying, “Mata kondo na … Arigatou.” (lit. I’ll see you soon … Thank you.)

Sasuke was never a man with words. However, regarding Sakura, he always conveyed his heart directly. This time, Sasuke made the promise and the way he said it indicated that really meant it. He puts his emotion and feeling into the speech and indicates a strong desire to fulfill the promise. It’s important to him to make Sakura agree with his opinion by emphasizing it, while he basically makes the promise to himself.


Basically “Mata kondo” is a polite statement of rejection by making a promise for future chances. Both of Itachi’s and Sasuke’s dialogue carry the same promise. However, there is different amount of certainty indicated in those dialogues.

In Itachi’s dialogue, there is a tone of assertion. Itachi was basically uncertain whether he was able to fulfill the promise, or aware that he might not be able to fulfill the promise, yet he couldn’t bring himself to directly refuse Sasuke’s plead.

In Sasuke’s dialogue, there is strong desire from him to fulfill the promise. The dialogue is meant for both Sakura and Sasuke. So, Sasuke has promised not only to Sakura, but also to himself. And it is important for him to emphasize this to Sakura, as well as make her agree with his opinion.


Sakura admitted that the poke and the phrase were better (more romantic) than a kiss. This kind of love language and gesture of affection so far was only used by Sasuke to her, so it’s meaningful and special. It was then used by Sakura and Sasuke to their daughter, Sarada, to comfort and reassure her that Sasuke would come back soon from his mission to investigate Kaguya and protect Konohagakure from afar.

PS: This is one of my draft lists that I have not posted yet, even though I guess it’s already finished. My close inner circle knows how loving I’m to the Naruto stories. I can cry, laugh, and feel so connected to the story. How Masashi Kishimoto brings this story is really amazing, I love the way his perspective portrays each character, it’s beautiful. And the story about Sasuke and Sakura is one of my favorite love-story-based-on-Anime, besides Athrun and Cagalli from Gundam Seed.

Ok I won’t make it longer, I will end here. Mata kondo na, jia ne, arigatou ♡ :)

